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Informativa ai sensi degli artt. 13 e 14 del Regolamento (UE) 2016/679 del Parlamento europeo e del Consiglio del 27 aprile 2016

Il Regolamento (UE) 2016/679 del Parlamento europeo e del Consiglio del 27 aprile 2016 prevedono la tutela delle persone e di altri soggetti rispetto al trattamento dei dati personali. Secondo la normativa indicata, tale trattamento sarà improntato ai principi di correttezza, liceità e trasparenza e di tutela della Vs. riservatezza e dei Vs. diritti. Al fine di permettere a di per poter svolgere compiutamente la propria attività, dovranno da Voi essere fornite le informazioni di carattere personale necessarie per usufruire dei servizi resi disponibili da anche attraverso il sito Le pagine del sito web possono contenere, comunque, dei collegamenti verso le pagine Internet di altri soggetti, alle quali però non si estende la presente dichiarazione sulla sicurezza dei dati. L'informativa si ispira anche alla Raccomandazione n. 2/2001 che le Autorità europee per la protezione dei dati personali riunite nel gruppo istituito dall'art. 29 della direttiva n. 95/46/CE, hanno adottato il 17 maggio 2001 per individuare dei requisiti minimi per la raccolta dei dati personali on-line: le modalità, i tempi e la natura delle informazioni che i titolari del trattamento devono fornire agli utenti quando questi si collegano a pagine web. Ai sensi degli artt. 13 e 14 del Regolamento (UE) 2016/679 del Parlamento europeo e del Consiglio del 27 aprile 2016, pertanto, in merito al trattamento dei Vs. dati che verrà da noi eseguito, ci pregiamo di fornirVi le seguenti informazioni:

Finalità del trattamento

I Vs. dati personali, da Voi liberamente forniti e da noi acquisiti in ragione dei servizi di analisi che ci prestiamo ad erogarVi, saranno trattati in modo lecito e secondo correttezza per le seguenti finalità: esecuzione dell'analisi lipidomica e refertazione, ricerca e sviluppo, informazioni alimentari e nutraceutiche, anche attraverso l'ausilio di strumenti elettronici ed automatizzati.

Modalità del trattamento

I dati medesimi verranno trattati, nel rispetto della sicurezza e riservatezza necessarie, attraverso strumenti informatici, telematici e manuali, con logiche strettamente correlate alle finalità del trattamento. In particolare, per quanto riguarda i dati di navigazione, i sistemi informatici e telematici e le procedure software preposte al funzionamento del presente sito, ovvero dedicati al funzionamento ed utilizzo delle "app" rese disponibili da , acquisiscono, nel corso del loro normale esercizio, alcuni dati (es. la data e l'ora dell'accesso, le pagine visitate, il nome dell'Internet Service Provider e l'indirizzo del Protocollo Internet (IP) attraverso cui accedere ad Internet, l'indirizzo Internet dal quale si collega al nostro sito, etc.), la cui trasmissione è implicita nell'uso dei protocolli di comunicazione web o è utile per la migliore gestione e ottimizzazione del sistema di invio di dati ed e-mail. Questi dati vengono utilizzati al solo fine di ricavare informazioni statistiche anonime sull'uso del sito e per controllarne il corretto funzionamento e sono conservati in forma anonima per tutto il periodo di attività del sito stesso. I dati potrebbero essere utilizzati per l'accertamento di responsabilità in caso di reati informatici ai danni del sito.

Durata della conservazione dei dati

I Vs. dati verranno trattati fino all'estinzione della procedura nell'ambito della quale sono stati acquisiti e saranno comunque conservati per un quinquennio (anni 5) dall'ultimo trattamento per finalità connesse o strumentali all'attività svolta dall'Azienda, ed in particolare per motivi contabili, ovvero per un decennio (anni 10) per necessità di prova e documentazione a fini fiscali/tributari, escluso ogni possibile utilizzo per ragioni personali e ogni possibile utilizzo in conflitto con il Cliente.

Trasferimento dei dati

I Vs. dati potranno essere esportati, ai sensi della normativa vigente, verso Paesi appartenenti alla Unione Europea, qualora il trasferimento si renda necessario per l'esecuzione di obblighi derivanti dai rapporti contrattuali/commerciali in essere.

Natura obbligatoria o facoltativa del conferimento dei dati e conseguenze di un eventuale rifiuto a rispondere

L'interessato è tenuto a fornire i dati richiesti nel questionario raccolta dati per poter fruire dei relativi servizi resi anche attraverso il nostro sito Il mancato conferimento degli stessi può compromettere gli esiti della corretta anamnesi iniziale. Tra i dati personali da segnalare ci sono anche dati sensibili inerenti lo stato di salute, compreso il riferimento ad eventuali patologie diffusive (inteso come libera dichiarazione e quindi facoltativa). La nostra struttura ha predisposto un adeguato sistema di sicurezza, di accesso e custodia dei dati in conformità a quanto dettato dalla normativa vigente in materia, che viene mantenuto aggiornato con lo stato dell'arte della tecnologia esistente. I Vs. dati personali sono trattati, oltre che dal Titolare del trattamento, dalle figure responsabili del trattamento per la sicurezza dei dati designate, dal personale interno incaricato del trattamento degli stessi, nonché dai soggetti appartenenti alle categorie alle quali i dati possono essere comunicati, i quali li tratteranno in qualità di "titolari", ai sensi della legge vigente, in piena autonomia, essendo estranei all'originario trattamento effettuato presso la nostra Società. Il trattamento dei dati avverrà anche presso . Ai sensi degli artt. 13 e 14 del Regolamento (UE) 2016/679 del Parlamento europeo e del Consiglio del 27 aprile 2016, facciamo presente, inoltre, che l'eventuale rifiuto di fornire i dati, al momento della raccolta delle informazioni, potrebbe comportare l'oggettiva impossibilità della nostra Società di osservare parzialmente o in toto gli obblighi di legge e/o di contratto connessi alle obbligazioni contrattuali da instaurarsi/in essere e che pertanto il rapporto potrebbe non essere validamente instaurato e/o proseguito.

Comunicazione dei dati a terzi e diffusione

I dati da Voi forniti verranno trattati per finalità connesse all'erogazione dei servizi forniti da e, precisamente, per la tenuta della contabilità, la fatturazione, la gestione della anamnesi, della diagnosi, dei consigli nutrizionali, dello sviluppo dell'esame e della refertazione ai fini della soddisfazione di tutti gli obblighi previsti dalle normative vigenti. I Vs. dati, inoltre, potranno essere trattati per finalità esclusivamente interne di statistica, ricerca scientifica e per comunicazioni di carattere sanitario. I trattamenti potranno essere effettuati mediante strumenti sia informatici che manuali, nella osservanza di tutte le cautele necessarie a garantire la sicurezza e la riservatezza delle informazioni. I Vs. dati, potranno essere comunicati a terzi, esclusivamente per esigenze tecniche ed operative strettamente collegate alle finalità sopra enunciate ed in particolare alle seguenti categorie di soggetti:

  • da/a Enti, Professionisti, Società o altre Strutture da noi incaricate dei trattamenti connessi all'adempimento degli obblighi amministrativi, contabili e gestionali legati all'ordinario svolgimento della nostra attività economica, anche per finalità di recupero credito;
  • da/a Società, Enti, Professionisti che forniscano alla nostra Azienda consulenze e/o servizi elaborativi o che svolgano attività strumentali a quella della nostra Azienda ed in particolare da nostri legali e consulenti in genere;
  • da/a pubbliche autorità ed amministrazioni per le finalità connesse all'adempimento di obblighi legali, compreso il Servizio Sanitario Nazionale e le sue strutture di riferimento;
  • da/a Banche, istituti finanziari o altri soggetti ai quali il trasferimento dei suoi dati risulti necessario allo svolgimento dell'attività della nostra Azienda in relazione all'assolvimento, da parte nostra, delle obbligazioni contrattuali nei Vs. confronti;
  • da/a Soggetti ai quali la facoltà di accedere ai dati personali sia riconosciuta da disposizione di legge o di normativa secondaria o comunitaria, nonché da specifici contratti ed accordi debitamente sottoscritti;
  • da/a Soggetti ai quali la comunicazione dei dati personali sia necessaria o sia comunque funzionale all'espletamento delle obbligazioni contrattuali in essere;
  • ai Soggetti Distributori dei prodotti di ;
  • ai Soggetti che svolgano per conto di attività di consulenza nutrizionale.

I Vs. dati potranno anche essere visionati dagli organi ispettivi in caso di ispezioni o verifiche (qualora richiestici). La messa a disposizione degli esiti dell'analisi viene effettuata nelle forme più attente alla privacy, attraverso piattaforma ad uso riservato a ed allo specialista referente. Tutti gli accessi alle aree riservate sono possibili esclusivamente tramite password personale.

Titolare e Responsabile del trattamento

Titolare del trattamento dei dati è con sede legale , nella persona del Legale Rappresentante . Eventuali modifiche del nominativo del Responsabile del trattamento e/o la nomina di ulteriori Responsabili potranno essere verificate scrivendo e/o telefonando ai seguenti recapiti:

Kellerei St. Michael-Eppan Cantina
Via Circonvallazione 17-19
I-39057 Appiano sulla Strada del Vino

T. (+39) 0471 66 44 66
Mwst.Nr.: IT00126670215

L'interessato potrà in qualsiasi momento esercitare i diritti a Lui riservati nei confronti del Titolare del trattamento, ai sensi degli artt. 15 e 22 del Regolamento (UE) 2016/679 del Parlamento europeo e del Consiglio del 27 aprile 2016, richiedendo per iscritto di integrare, aggiornare, rettificare o modificare i propri dati, nonché di esercitare tutti gli altri diritti che la legge gli attribuisce.

Diritto di accesso ai dati personali ed altri diritti [Artt. 15 – 22 del Regolamento (UE) 2016/679 del Parlamento europeo e del Consiglio del 27 aprile 2016]

L'interessato ha diritto di ottenere la conferma dell'esistenza o meno di dati personali che lo riguardano, anche se non ancora registrati, e la loro comunicazione in forma intelligibile. L'interessato ha diritto di ottenere l'indicazione: dell'origine dei dati personali, delle finalità e modalità del trattamento; della logica applicata in caso di trattamento effettuato con l'ausilio di strumenti elettronici; degli estremi identificativi del titolare del trattamento, del responsabile e del rappresentante eventualmente designati; dei soggetti o delle categorie di soggetti ai quali i dati personali possano essere comunicati o che possono venirne a conoscenza in qualità di rappresentante designato nel territorio dello Stato, di responsabili o incaricati. L'interessato ha diritto di ottenere: l'aggiornamento; la rettifica, ovvero, quando vi è interesse, l'integrazione dei dati, la cancellazione, la trasformazione in forma anonima o il blocco dei dati trattati in violazione di legge, compresi quelli di cui non sia necessaria la conservazione in relazione agli scopi per i quali i dati siano stati raccolti o successivamente trattati; l'attestazione che le operazioni richieste siano state portate a conoscenza, anche per quanto riguarda il loro contenuto, di coloro ai quali i dati siano stati comunicati o diffusi, eccettuato il caso in cui tale adempimento si rilevi impossibile o comporti un impiego di mezzi manifestamente sproporzionato rispetto al diritto tutelato. L'interessato ha diritto di opporsi in tutto o in parte, per motivi legittimi: al trattamento dei dati personali che lo riguardano, ancorché pertinenti allo scopo della raccolta; al trattamento dei dati personali che lo riguardano a fini di invio di materiale pubblicitario o di vendita diretta o per il compimento di ricerche di mercato o di comunicazione commerciale.

Modifica o revoca dei consensi e loro effetti

In caso di conclusione di più negozi giuridici la presente informativa e la eventuale prestazione del consenso si considerano validi anche per i negozi giuridici successivi. È sempre possibile per l'interessato, in qualsiasi momento, modificare o revocare con le medesime modalità con le quali è stato rilasciato l'eventuale consenso e/o i consensi una volta manifestato/i. La revoca del consenso e/o dei consensi non pregiudica la liceità del trattamento basata sul/sui consenso/i prima della revoca.


The Internet pages of the use cookies. Cookies are text files that are stored in a computer system via an Internet browser.

Many Internet sites and servers use cookies. Many cookies contain a so-called cookie ID. A cookie ID is a unique identifier of the cookie. It consists of a character string through which Internet pages and servers can be assigned to the specific Internet browser in which the cookie was stored. This allows visited Internet sites and servers to differentiate the individual browser of the dats subject from other Internet browsers that contain other cookies. A specific Internet browser can be recognized and identified using the unique cookie ID.

Through the use of cookies, the can provide the users of this website with more user-friendly services that would not be possible without the cookie setting.

By means of a cookie, the information and offers on our website can be optimized with the user in mind. Cookies allow us, as previously mentioned, to recognize our website users. The purpose of this recognition is to make it easier for users to utilize our website. The website user that uses cookies, e.g. does not have to enter access data each time the website is accessed, because this is taken over by the website, and the cookie is thus stored on the user's computer system. Another example is the cookie of a shopping cart in an online shop. The online store remembers the articles that a customer has placed in the virtual shopping cart via a cookie.

The data subject may, at any time, prevent the setting of cookies through our website by means of a corresponding setting of the Internet browser used, and may thus permanently deny the setting of cookies. Furthermore, already set cookies may be deleted at any time via an Internet browser or other software programs. This is possible in all popular Internet browsers. If the data subject deactivates the setting of cookies in the Internet browser used, not all functions of our website may be entirely usable.

Collection of general data and information

The website of the collects a series of general data and information when a data subject or automated system calls up the website. This general data and information are stored in the server log files. Collected may be (1) the browser types and versions used, (2) the operating system used by the accessing system, (3) the website from which an accessing system reaches our website (so-called referrers), (4) the sub-websites, (5) the date and time of access to the Internet site, (6) an Internet protocol address (IP address), (7) the Internet service provider of the accessing system, and (8) any other similar data and information that may be used in the event of attacks on our information technology systems.

When using these general data and information, the does not draw any conclusions about the data subject. Rather, this information is needed to (1) deliver the content of our website correctly, (2) optimize the content of our website as well as its advertisement, (3) ensure the long-term viability of our information technology systems and website technology, and (4) provide law enforcement authorities with the information necessary for criminal prosecution in case of a cyber-attack. Therefore, the analyzes anonymously collected data and information statistically, with the aim of increasing the data protection and data security of our enterprise, and to ensure an optimal level of protection for the personal data we process. The anonymous data of the server log files are stored separately from all personal data provided by a data subject.

Contact possibility via the website 

The website of the contains information that enables a quick electronic contact to our enterprise, as well as direct communication with us, which also includes a general address of the so-called electronic mail (e-mail address). If a data subject contacts the controller by e-mail or via a contact form, the personal data transmitted by the data subject are automatically stored. Such personal data transmitted on a voluntary basis by a data subject to the data controller are stored for the purpose of processing or contacting the data subject. There is no transfer of this personal data to third parties.

Routine erasure and blocking of personal data

The data controller shall process and store the personal data of the data subject only for the period necessary to achieve the purpose of storage, or as far as this is granted by the European legislator or other legislators in laws or regulations to which the controller is subject to.

If the storage purpose is not applicable, or if a storage period prescribed by the European legislator or another competent legislator expires, the personal data are routinely blocked or erased in accordance with legal requirements.

Rights of the data subject

  • a) Right of confirmation

    Each data subject shall have the right granted by the European legislator to obtain from the controller the confirmation as to whether or not personal data concerning him or her are being processed. If a data subject wishes to avail himself of this right of confirmation, he or she may, at any time, contact any employee of the controller.

  • b) Right of access

    Each data subject shall have the right granted by the European legislator to obtain from the controller free information about his or her personal data stored at any time and a copy of this information. Furthermore, the European directives and regulations grant the data subject access to the following information:

    • the purposes of the processing;
    • the categories of personal data concerned;
    • the recipients or categories of recipients to whom the personal data have been or will be disclosed, in particular recipients in third countries or international organisations;
    • where possible, the envisaged period for which the personal data will be stored, or, if not possible, the criteria used to determine that period;
    • the existence of the right to request from the controller rectification or erasure of personal data, or restriction of processing of personal data concerning the data subject, or to object to such processing;
    • the existence of the right to lodge a complaint with a supervisory authority;
    • where the personal data are not collected from the data subject, any available information as to their source;
    • the existence of automated decision-making, including profiling, referred to in Article 22(1) and (4) of the GDPR and, at least in those cases, meaningful information about the logic involved, as well as the significance and envisaged consequences of such processing for the data subject.

    Furthermore, the data subject shall have a right to obtain information as to whether personal data are transferred to a third country or to an international organisation. Where this is the case, the data subject shall have the right to be informed of the appropriate safeguards relating to the transfer.

    If a data subject wishes to avail himself of this right of access, he or she may, at any time, contact any employee of the controller.

  • c) Right to rectification 

    Each data subject shall have the right granted by the European legislator to obtain from the controller without undue delay the rectification of inaccurate personal data concerning him or her. Taking into account the purposes of the processing, the data subject shall have the right to have incomplete personal data completed, including by means of providing a supplementary statement.

    If a data subject wishes to exercise this right to rectification, he or she may, at any time, contact any employee of the controller.

  • d) Right to erasure (Right to be forgotten) 

    Each data subject shall have the right granted by the European legislator to obtain from the controller the erasure of personal data concerning him or her without undue delay, and the controller shall have the obligation to erase personal data without undue delay where one of the following grounds applies, as long as the processing is not necessary: 

    • The personal data are no longer necessary in relation to the purposes for which they were collected or otherwise processed.
    • The data subject withdraws consent to which the processing is based according to point (a) of Article 6(1) of the GDPR, or point (a) of Article 9(2) of the GDPR, and where there is no other legal ground for the processing.
    • The data subject objects to the processing pursuant to Article 21(1) of the GDPR and there are no overriding legitimate grounds for the processing, or the data subject objects to the processing pursuant to Article 21(2) of the GDPR. 
    • The personal data have been unlawfully processed.
    • The personal data must be erased for compliance with a legal obligation in Union or Member State law to which the controller is subject.
    • The personal data have been collected in relation to the offer of information society services referred to in Article 8(1) of the GDPR.

    If one of the aforementioned reasons applies, and a data subject wishes to request the erasure of personal data stored by the , he or she may, at any time, contact any employee of the controller. An employee of shall promptly ensure that the erasure request is complied with immediately.

    Where the controller has made personal data public and is obliged pursuant to Article 17(1) to erase the personal data, the controller, taking account of available technology and the cost of implementation, shall take reasonable steps, including technical measures, to inform other controllers processing the personal data that the data subject has requested erasure by such controllers of any links to, or copy or replication of, those personal data, as far as processing is not required. An employees of the will arrange the necessary measures in individual cases.

  • e) Right of restriction of processing

    Each data subject shall have the right granted by the European legislator to obtain from the controller restriction of processing where one of the following applies:

    • The accuracy of the personal data is contested by the data subject, for a period enabling the controller to verify the accuracy of the personal data. 
    • The processing is unlawful and the data subject opposes the erasure of the personal data and requests instead the restriction of their use instead.
    • The controller no longer needs the personal data for the purposes of the processing, but they are required by the data subject for the establishment, exercise or defence of legal claims.
    • The data subject has objected to processing pursuant to Article 21(1) of the GDPR pending the verification whether the legitimate grounds of the controller override those of the data subject.

    If one of the aforementioned conditions is met, and a data subject wishes to request the restriction of the processing of personal data stored by the , he or she may at any time contact any employee of the controller. The employee of the will arrange the restriction of the processing. 

  • f) Right to data portability

    Each data subject shall have the right granted by the European legislator, to receive the personal data concerning him or her, which was provided to a controller, in a structured, commonly used and machine-readable format. He or she shall have the right to transmit those data to another controller without hindrance from the controller to which the personal data have been provided, as long as the processing is based on consent pursuant to point (a) of Article 6(1) of the GDPR or point (a) of Article 9(2) of the GDPR, or on a contract pursuant to point (b) of Article 6(1) of the GDPR, and the processing is carried out by automated means, as long as the processing is not necessary for the performance of a task carried out in the public interest or in the exercise of official authority vested in the controller.

    Furthermore, in exercising his or her right to data portability pursuant to Article 20(1) of the GDPR, the data subject shall have the right to have personal data transmitted directly from one controller to another, where technically feasible and when doing so does not adversely affect the rights and freedoms of others.

    In order to assert the right to data portability, the data subject may at any time contact any employee of the .

  • g) Right to object

    Each data subject shall have the right granted by the European legislator to object, on grounds relating to his or her particular situation, at any time, to processing of personal data concerning him or her, which is based on point (e) or (f) of Article 6(1) of the GDPR. This also applies to profiling based on these provisions.

    The shall no longer process the personal data in the event of the objection, unless we can demonstrate compelling legitimate grounds for the processing which override the interests, rights and freedoms of the data subject, or for the establishment, exercise or defence of legal claims.

    If the processes personal data for direct marketing purposes, the data subject shall have the right to object at any time to processing of personal data concerning him or her for such marketing. This applies to profiling to the extent that it is related to such direct marketing. If the data subject objects to the to the processing for direct marketing purposes, the will no longer process the personal data for these purposes.

    In addition, the data subject has the right, on grounds relating to his or her particular situation, to object to processing of personal data concerning him or her by the for scientific or historical research purposes, or for statistical purposes pursuant to Article 89(1) of the GDPR, unless the processing is necessary for the performance of a task carried out for reasons of public interest.

    In order to exercise the right to object, the data subject may contact any employee of the . In addition, the data subject is free in the context of the use of information society services, and notwithstanding Directive 2002/58/EC, to use his or her right to object by automated means using technical specifications.

  • h) Automated individual decision-making, including profiling

    Each data subject shall have the right granted by the European legislator not to be subject to a decision based solely on automated processing, including profiling, which produces legal effects concerning him or her, or similarly significantly affects him or her, as long as the decision (1) is not is necessary for entering into, or the performance of, a contract between the data subject and a data controller, or (2) is not authorised by Union or Member State law to which the controller is subject and which also lays down suitable measures to safeguard the data subject's rights and freedoms and legitimate interests, or (3) is not based on the data subject's explicit consent.

    If the decision (1) is necessary for entering into, or the performance of, a contract between the data subject and a data controller, or (2) it is based on the data subject's explicit consent, the shall implement suitable measures to safeguard the data subject's rights and freedoms and legitimate interests, at least the right to obtain human intervention on the part of the controller, to express his or her point of view and contest the decision.

    If the data subject wishes to exercise the rights concerning automated individual decision-making, he or she may, at any time, contact any employee of the .

  • i) Right to withdraw data protection consent 

    Each data subject shall have the right granted by the European legislator to withdraw his or her consent to processing of his or her personal data at any time. 

    If the data subject wishes to exercise the right to withdraw the consent, he or she may, at any time, contact any employee of the .

Data protection provisions about the application and use of Google Analytics (with anonymization function)

On this website, the controller has integrated the component of Google Analytics (with the anonymizer function). Google Analytics is a web analytics service. Web analytics is the collection, gathering, and analysis of data about the behavior of visitors to websites. A web analysis service collects, inter alia, data about the website from which a person has come (the so-called referrer), which sub-pages were visited, or how often and for what duration a sub-page was viewed. Web analytics are mainly used for the optimization of a website and in order to carry out a cost-benefit analysis of Internet advertising.

The operator of the Google Analytics component is Google Inc., 1600 Amphitheatre Pkwy, Mountain View, CA 94043-1351, United States.

For the web analytics through Google Analytics the controller uses the application "_gat. _anonymizeIp". By means of this application the IP address of the Internet connection of the data subject is abridged by Google and anonymised when accessing our websites from a Member State of the European Union or another Contracting State to the Agreement on the European Economic Area.

The purpose of the Google Analytics component is to analyze the traffic on our website. Google uses the collected data and information, inter alia, to evaluate the use of our website and to provide online reports, which show the activities on our websites, and to provide other services concerning the use of our Internet site for us.

Google Analytics places a cookie on the information technology system of the data subject. The definition of cookies is explained above. With the setting of the cookie, Google is enabled to analyze the use of our website. With each call-up to one of the individual pages of this Internet site, which is operated by the controller and into which a Google Analytics component was integrated, the Internet browser on the information technology system of the data subject will automatically submit data through the Google Analytics component for the purpose of online advertising and the settlement of commissions to Google. During the course of this technical procedure, the enterprise Google gains knowledge of personal information, such as the IP address of the data subject, which serves Google, inter alia, to understand the origin of visitors and clicks, and subsequently create commission settlements.

The cookie is used to store personal information, such as the access time, the location from which the access was made, and the frequency of visits of our website by the data subject. With each visit to our Internet site, such personal data, including the IP address of the Internet access used by the data subject, will be transmitted to Google in the United States of America. These personal data are stored by Google in the United States of America. Google may pass these personal data collected through the technical procedure to third parties.

The data subject may, as stated above, prevent the setting of cookies through our website at any time by means of a corresponding adjustment of the web browser used and thus permanently deny the setting of cookies. Such an adjustment to the Internet browser used would also prevent Google Analytics from setting a cookie on the information technology system of the data subject. In addition, cookies already in use by Google Analytics may be deleted at any time via a web browser or other software programs.

In addition, the data subject has the possibility of objecting to a collection of data that are generated by Google Analytics, which is related to the use of this website, as well as the processing of this data by Google and the chance to preclude any such. For this purpose, the data subject must download a browser add-on under the link and install it. This browser add-on tells Google Analytics through a JavaScript, that any data and information about the visits of Internet pages may not be transmitted to Google Analytics. The installation of the browser add-ons is considered an objection by Google. If the information technology system of the data subject is later deleted, formatted, or newly installed, then the data subject must reinstall the browser add-ons to disable Google Analytics. If the browser add-on was uninstalled by the data subject or any other person who is attributable to their sphere of competence, or is disabled, it is possible to execute the reinstallation or reactivation of the browser add-ons.

Further information and the applicable data protection provisions of Google may be retrieved under and under Google Analytics is further explained under the following Link

Deactivate Google Analytics

Google Maps 

We include maps from the Google Maps service provided by Google LLC, 1600 Amphitheater Parkway, Mountain View, CA 94043, USA. The processed data may include, in particular, users' IP addresses and location data, but these are not collected without their consent (usually as part of the settings of their mobile devices). The data can be processed in the USA.
Privacy Policy: 

Data protection provisions about the application and use of YouTube

On this website, the controller has integrated components of YouTube. YouTube is an Internet video portal that enables video publishers to set video clips and other users free of charge, which also provides free viewing, review and commenting on them. YouTube allows you to publish all kinds of videos, so you can access both full movies and TV broadcasts, as well as music videos, trailers, and videos made by users via the Internet portal.

The operating company of YouTube is YouTube, LLC, 901 Cherry Ave., San Bruno, CA 94066, UNITED STATES. The YouTube, LLC is a subsidiary of Google Inc., 1600 Amphitheatre Pkwy, Mountain View, CA 94043-1351, UNITED STATES.

With each call-up to one of the individual pages of this Internet site, which is operated by the controller and on which a YouTube component (YouTube video) was integrated, the Internet browser on the information technology system of the data subject is automatically prompted to download a display of the corresponding YouTube component. Further information about YouTube may be obtained under During the course of this technical procedure, YouTube and Google gain knowledge of what specific sub-page of our website was visited by the data subject.

If the data subject is logged in on YouTube, YouTube recognizes with each call-up to a sub-page that contains a YouTube video, which specific sub-page of our Internet site was visited by the data subject. This information is collected by YouTube and Google and assigned to the respective YouTube account of the data subject.

YouTube and Google will receive information through the YouTube component that the data subject has visited our website, if the data subject at the time of the call to our website is logged in on YouTube; this occurs regardless of whether the person clicks on a YouTube video or not. If such a transmission of this information to YouTube and Google is not desirable for the data subject, the delivery may be prevented if the data subject logs off from their own YouTube account before a call-up to our website is made.

YouTube's data protection provisions, available at, provide information about the collection, processing and use of personal data by YouTube and Google.

Legal basis for the processing 

Art. 6(1) lit. a GDPR serves as the legal basis for processing operations for which we obtain consent for a specific processing purpose. If the processing of personal data is necessary for the performance of a contract to which the data subject is party, as is the case, for example, when processing operations are necessary for the supply of goods or to provide any other service, the processing is based on Article 6(1) lit. b GDPR. The same applies to such processing operations which are necessary for carrying out pre-contractual measures, for example in the case of inquiries concerning our products or services. Is our company subject to a legal obligation by which processing of personal data is required, such as for the fulfillment of tax obligations, the processing is based on Art. 6(1) lit. c GDPR. In rare cases, the processing of personal data may be necessary to protect the vital interests of the data subject or of another natural person. This would be the case, for example, if a visitor were injured in our company and his name, age, health insurance data or other vital information would have to be passed on to a doctor, hospital or other third party. Then the processing would be based on Art. 6(1) lit. d GDPR. Finally, processing operations could be based on Article 6(1) lit. f GDPR. This legal basis is used for processing operations which are not covered by any of the abovementioned legal grounds, if processing is necessary for the purposes of the legitimate interests pursued by our company or by a third party, except where such interests are overridden by the interests or fundamental rights and freedoms of the data subject which require protection of personal data. Such processing operations are particularly permissible because they have been specifically mentioned by the European legislator. He considered that a legitimate interest could be assumed if the data subject is a client of the controller (Recital 47 Sentence 2 GDPR).

The legitimate interests pursued by the controller or by a third party

Where the processing of personal data is based on Article 6(1) lit. f GDPR our legitimate interest is to carry out our business in favor of the well-being of all our employees and the shareholders.

Period for which the personal data will be stored

The criteria used to determine the period of storage of personal data is the respective statutory retention period. After expiration of that period, the corresponding data is routinely deleted, as long as it is no longer necessary for the fulfillment of the contract or the initiation of a contract.

Provision of personal data as statutory or contractual requirement; Requirement necessary to enter into a contract; Obligation of the data subject to provide the personal data; possible consequences of failure to provide such data 

We clarify that the provision of personal data is partly required by law (e.g. tax regulations) or can also result from contractual provisions (e.g. information on the contractual partner). Sometimes it may be necessary to conclude a contract that the data subject provides us with personal data, which must subsequently be processed by us. The data subject is, for example, obliged to provide us with personal data when our company signs a contract with him or her. The non-provision of the personal data would have the consequence that the contract with the data subject could not be concluded. Before personal data is provided by the data subject, the data subject must contact any employee. The employee clarifies to the data subject whether the provision of the personal data is required by law or contract or is necessary for the conclusion of the contract, whether there is an obligation to provide the personal data and the consequences of non-provision of the personal data.

Existence of automated decision-making

As a responsible company, we do not use automatic decision-making or profiling.

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